Thank you Freelancers

When we created a call for sponsors page, we wanted to give a simple option for our community to show their support for WordCamp Zagreb. We created a special type of ticket with no extra benefits, with the only purpose of paying a little bit extra to show support. All 20 tickets we planned were bought by 20 awesome people.

Igor Benić, Tomislav Miklec, Mario Smode, Frano Barać, Marko Orešković, Nikola Plejić, Silvio Martinec, Milenko Radic, Edin Osmanagić, Kevin Hassall, Rahela Lončarić, Dejan Strancar, Nejc Ukmar, Matjaz Zorko, Nemanja Cimbaljevic, Vlado Bosnjak, Marin Barbic, Ana Vuksanovic, Ivan Paulin and Jadran Bižić — Thank you! ❤️👏

Learn more about personal growth and freelance career with Tomislav Kozačinski

Tomislav Kozacinski
Tomislav Kozacinski loves contributing to the community by giving talks and workshops

Tomislav Kozačinski is a long time freelancer, with over 11 years experience he is a talented digital product designer, among other things. In his lecture, he will share his freelance experience, and all dos and don’ts he learned along the way, so let’s dive right in and introduce Tomislav.

Continue reading “Learn more about personal growth and freelance career with Tomislav Kozačinski”

Nela Dunato will open WordCamp Zagreb with her talk “The Human-Centered Brand”

Nela Dunato giving a talk at WordCamp London (Copyright:

Nela Dunato has been rated best speaker from WordCamp Split 2016 and we are very happy to announce that she will be opening this years’ WordCamp Zagreb with her talk “The Human-Centered Brand“. We talked with Nela about personal growth, balancing women speakers, conferences and more! Continue reading “Nela Dunato will open WordCamp Zagreb with her talk “The Human-Centered Brand””